Local Bus Service
Operating since 1934, this service offers local routes in the City of Newburgh that extend into the Towns of Newburgh and New Windsor. Key destinations outside of Newburgh include the Newburgh Mall, Wal-Mart, Price Chopper, and Vail’s Gate shopping areas. The Broadway corridor, which is the spine for this service, is provided with service every 30 minutes.
Newburgh Area Transit is operated by Leprechaun Lines.

Free Fares through 12/31

Individual Routes
Newburgh Broadway West
Downtown Newburgh (Broadway) • Target Plaza • Walmart
Newburgh Broadway East
Newburgh Crosstown North
Cornwall Hospital • Vails Gate/Price Chopper • Rt 32 Near Shop Rite • St Luke's Hospital
Newburgh Crosstown South
Newburgh Northside
Broadway & Liberty • Mount Saint Mary College • Mid Valley Mall
Newburgh Southside
Lake Drive Apartments • Newburgh 5 Corners • Newburgh Ferry Dock
Additional Information
Non-Discrimination Policy
Orange County is committed to providing nondiscriminatory service to ensure that no person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in the receipt of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VI”).
Holiday Service Notes
We do not operate on the following Federally Observed Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Bus Amenities
Commuter bus amenities include roomy interior, A/C, wheelchair accessibility, and more. All of our buses are driven by professional drivers with years of experience in the transportation services industry, ensuring you will reach your destination safely and on time.
Lost/Damaged Property Information
Newburgh Area Transit is not responsible for any lost property or any inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed service.